Past Devon Heavens
Photographs are copyrighted by the individual photographers
Copyright © 2015 Devon Rex Breed Club
January 25-26, 2014 Birmingham, AL Host Club: Birmingham Feline Fanciers Theme: “Stars of the Silver Screen” DEVON HEAVEN COMMITTEE: Co-Chairs: Cindy Steadham, Dolly Chamness, Darlen Easum Banquet: Dolly Chamness, Darlen Easum Auction: Dolly Chamness, Elaine Adkins Raffle: Glen & Jennifer Viveirios Goody Bags: Kristin Nowell, Carolyn Jimenez Luggage Tags: Susan Honora Stowe Ribbon Chair: Linda Peterson 2014 Devon Heaven Pins: Linda Peterson Rosette/Logo Artwork: Christy Clevenger (non- DRBC member) Show hall Decorations: Courtesy of Birmingham Feline Cat Fanciers Scoring: Cindy Steadham, Dolly Chamness, Darlen Easum Photographer: Audra Mitchell
JUDGES: Walter Hutzler: AB/HHP JoAnn Miksa-Blackwell AB  Carol Fogarty AB Jacqui Bennett LH /SH/HHP Sharon McKeehen-Bounds AB/HHP Wayne Trevathan AB/HHP Darrell Newkirk AB Tracy Petty AB
DEVON ENTRIES:  Represents Devons entered not Devons present.
CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS BEST DEVON REX GC Ready or Not Poptart II Breeder: Carolyn Jimenez-Kristin Nowell-Linda Peterson Owner: Carolyn Jimenez-Kristin Nowell Chocolate Silver Patched Mackerel Tabby and White Female 2nd BEST DEVON REX CH Rainingrexes Poppi Longstocking (Granded at DH) Breeder: Mary Ann Gobat Owner: Cindy Steadham Silver Patched Mackerel Tabby and White Female 3rd BEST DEVON REX CH Curlydolls Deja Roo (Granded at DH) Breeder/Owner: Dolly Chamness Chocolate Tortoiseshell Mink and White Female 4th BEST DEVON REX (tied) CH Karmacatz Dayclear Daisy Breeder/Owner: Linda-Susan Peterson- Kathy Rutledge Silver Patched Mackerel Tabby Female 4th BEST DEVON REX (tied) Dandy Curls Boston Legal Breeder/Owner: Cheryl Gray Blue and White Male CHAMPIONSHIP FINALS GC Ready or Not Poptart II 6th Best SH - J. Bennett 6th Best AB - J. Miska-Blackwell 6th Best AB - C. Fogarty 6th Best AB - T. Petty 9th Best AB - W. Hutzler 5th Best AB - D. Newkirk 8th Best AB - W. Trevathan CH Curlydolls Deja Roo 6th Best AB, BEST AB - W. Trevathan 2nd Best SH - J. Miska-Blackwell 3rd Best SH - W. Hutzler CH Rainingrexes Poppi Longstocking 9th Best AB, 3rd Best AB - S. McKeehen-Bounds 3rd Best AB - T. Petty Best AB - W. Hutzler 2nd Best AB - D. Newkirk 3rd Best SH - W. Trevathan CH Karmacatz Dayclear Daisy 10th Best SH, 2nd Best SH - J. Bennett EXHIBITORS’ CHOICE CH Curlydolls Deja Roo Breeder/Owner: Dolly Chamness Chocolate Tortoiseshell Mink and White Female
PREMIERSHIP CLASS BEST DEVON REX IN PREMIERSHIP GP Curlydolls Choco-Roo of Blu-Paw Breeder: Dolly Chamness Owner: Darlen Easum Chocolate Neuter 2nd BEST DEVON REX IN PREMIERSHIP GP Devinedevons Jager of Blu-Paw Breeder: Robin Robertson Owner: Darlen Easum Cameo Mackerel Tabby Neuter 3rd BEST DEVON REX IN PREMIERSHIP PR Glamourex Shooting Star Breeder: Melissa Wareham Owner: Lisa Yeary Gold-Eyed White Spay PREMIERSHIP FINALS GP Curlydolls Choco-Roo of Blu-Paw 4th Best SH - J. Bennett 9th Best AB - S. McKeehen-Bounds 9th Best AB - J. Miska-Blackwell BEST AB - T. Petty 5th Best AB - W. Hutzler 9th Best AB - D. Newkirk GP Devinedevons Jager of Blu-Paw 4th Best AB - C. Fogerty 8th Best AB - T. Petty 6th Best AB - W. Trevathan PR Glamourex Shooting Star 2nd Best SH - T. Petty 2nd Best SH - D. Newkirk EXHIBITORS’ CHOICE GP Curlydolls Choco-Roo of Blu-Paw Breeder: Dolly Chamness Owner: Darlen Easum Chocolate Neuter
KITTEN CLASS BEST DEVON REX KITTEN Ready or Not Smoke & Mirrors Breeder: Carolyn Jimenez-Kristin Nowell Owner: Cindy Steadham Black Smoke Female 2nd BEST DEVON REX KITTEN Rainingrexs I Spy Harriet Breeder: Mary Ann Gobat Owner: Dolly Chamness-Mary Ann Gobat Sable Sepia Mackerel Tabby and White Female 3rd BEST DEVON REX KITTEN Karmacatz Firewalker Breeder: Linda-Susan Peterson-Kathy Rutledge Owner: Linda-Susan Peterson Red Mackerel Tabby Male 4th BEST DEVON REX KITTEN (tied) JG Whiskerz Little Galuna Lu Breeder/Owner: Jennifer-Glenn Viveirios Lavender Patched Mackerel Tabby Female 4th BEST DEVON REX KITTEN (tied) Ready or Not Kiss of Fire Breeder/Owner: Kristin Nowell- Carolyn Jimenez Tortoiseshell Smoke Female KITTEN FINALS Rainingrexs I Spy Harriet 6th Best AB - J. Miska-Blackwell 9th Best AB - C. Fogerty 6th Best AB - W. Hutzler 8th Best AB - D. Newkirk Ready or Not Smoke & Mirrors 4th Best SH - J. Bennett 6th Best AB - T. Petty 4th Best AB - D. Newkirk Ready or Not Kiss of Fire Best AB - S. McKeehen-Bounds Best AB - T. Petty JG Whiskerz Little Galuna Lu 5th Best AB - W. Hutlzer 7th Best AB - W. Trevathan Karmacatz Firewalker 5th Best SH - J. Bennett 7th Best AB - C. Fogerty EXHIBITORS’ CHOICE Rainingrexs I Spy Harriet Breeder: Mary Ann Gobat Owner: Dolly Chamness-Mary Ann Gobat Sable Sepia Mackerel Tabby and White Female
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