Past Devon Heavens
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March 1-2, 2008 Indianapolis, IN Host Club: T.hank G.oodness I.ts F.elines Theme: “Devons, start your engines... purrr” DEVON HEAVEN COMMITTEE: Chairman: Doug Schmidt Devon Heaven Theme: Erika Paylor Award Certificates: Melody Amundson Banquet reservations: Doug Schmidt Goody Bags: Judie Hudgens Snack Table: Melissa and Matt Wareham Scoring: Ann Gibney Photographers: Anne and Tom Frank Program: Melody Amundson Rosettes: Linda Peterson Table Decorations: Doug Schmidt, Celestia Wright Original Devon Heaven Art: Doug Schmidt Devon Heaven 2008 Print: Melody Amundson Raffle: Bob Kinsey, Sandy Kinsey, Elaine Adkins Auction: Angela Gruenberg
JUDGES: JoAnn Cummings AB Pam DelaBar SP CH/AB Kit/PR Kim Everett-Hirsch AB Gloria Hoover  SP CH/AB Kit/PR Jeff Janzen AB Lois JensonAB Brian Pearson AB Barb Sumner AB
DEVON ENTRIES:  Represents Devons entered not Devons present.
CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS BEST DEVON REX GC Loganderry Kokomo of Hilltop Park Breeder: Gerri Logan-Claudia Hasay Owner: Claudia Hasay-Gerri Logan Chocolate Silver Ptch Tabby Female 2nd BEST DEVON REX GC Hilltop Park INXS of Loganderry Breeder/Owner: Claudia Hasay-Gerri Logan Chocolate Silver McTabby Male 3rd BEST DEVON REX GC Devon Heaven Have Mercy! Breeder/Owner: Gary-Melody Amundson Gold-Eyed White Female BEST DEVON REX CHAMPION Two Way Tie CH Kenikats Truly Scrumptious-of-WW Breeder: Sandy Kinsey Owner: Sandy Kinsey-Elaine Adkins Blue-Eyed White Female CH Koro Hannah Montana of A Devonstale Breeder: Judith Roberts-Linda Monaghan Owner: Jamie-Sandie Swartz Chocolate Tabby and White Female CHAMPIONSHIP FINALS GC Loganderry Kokomo of Hilltop Park 6th Best AB - K. Everett-Hirsch 7th Best AB - B. Pearson 5th Best AB - J. Janzen 8th Best SH - G. Hoover GC Hilltop Park INXS of Loganderry 7th Best AB - B. Sumner 5th Best AB - J. Janzen 5th Best SH - P. DelaBar GC Devon Heaven Have Mercy! 7th Best AB - J. Cummings 9th Best SH - P. DelaBar CH Koro Hannah Montana of A Devonstale BEST AB/BEST SH - K. Everett-Hirsch 3rd Best SH - B. Sumner CH Kenikats Truly Scrumptious-of-WW BEST AB/BEST SH - J. Cummings 3rd Best SH - J. Janzen CH Clarick's Dust Bunny  NEW GRAND! 3rd BEST SH - B. Pearson CH Meikai's Madame Butterfly 2nd BEST SH - P. DelaBar CH Devon Heaven's Blinded By The White 2nd Best SH - G. Hoover EXHIBITORS' CHOICE- Four Way Tie Bacio's Bubalah (Open) Breeder: Angela Gruenberg-Wendy Renner Owner: Angela Gruenberg Brown Patch McTabby Female GC Devon Heaven Have Mercy! Breeder/Owner: Gary-Melody Amundson Gold-Eyed White Female GC Hilltop Park INXS of Loganderry Breeder/Owner: Claudia Hasay-Gerri Logan Chocolate Silver McTabby Male GC Loganderry Kokomo of Hilltop Park Breeder: Gerri Logan-Claudia Hasay Owner: Claudia Hasay-Gerri Logan Chocolate Silver Ptch Tabby Female
PREMIERSHIP CLASS BEST DEVON REX IN PREMIERSHIP GP Loganderry Bitzy of Hilltop Park Breeder: Gerri Logan-Claudia Hasay Owner: Claudia Hasay-Gerri Logan Cream McTabby and White Spay 2nd BEST DEVON REX IN PREMIERSHIP GP Dreadlock Echo-of-Chimaera Dream Breeder/Owner: Tina Czernik-Mike Mitchener Gold-Eyed White Spay 3rd BEST DEVON REX IN PREMIERSHIP Four Way Tie GC Devon Heaven's Wynn Yer Wht Yer Wht (Open) Breeder/Owner: Gary-Melody Amundson Gold-Eyed White Spay Devon Heaven's Silver Lining (Open) Breeder/Owner: Gary-Melody Amundson Silver Tabby Neuter GP/RW Dreadlock's Cha-Cha Rankin Breeder/Owner: Tina Czernik-Mike Mitchener Natural Mink Neuter GP/RW Dreadlock's Wiccanfae Breeder/Owner: Tina Czernik-Mike Mitchener Gold-Eyed White Spay PREMIERSHIP FINALS GP Loganderry Bitzy of Hilltop Park 5th Best AB - B. Sumner 15th Best AB - B. Pearson 14th Best AB - J. Janzen 7th Best AB - L. Jensen 10th Best AB - J. Cummings 9th Best AB - P. DelaBar 6th Best AB - G. Hoover GP Dreadlock Echo-of-Chimaera Dream 4th Best AB - J. Janzen EXHIBITORS' CHOICE GP/RW Dreadlock's Cha-Cha Rankin Breeder/Owner: Tina Czernik-Mike Mitchener Natural Mink Neuter
KITTEN CLASS BEST DEVON REX KITTEN Clarick's Tater Tot Breeder/Owner: Celestia Wright Brown Patch Mctabby and White Female 2nd BEST DEVON REX KITTEN Loganderry Budababy of HIlltop Park Breeder: Gerri Logan-Claudia Hasay Owner: Claudia Hasay-Gerri Logan Chocolate Silver Mctabby and White Male 3rd BEST DEVON REX KITTEN Raya's Wicked Nessa Rose East Breeder: Yvette Hout Owner: Terry Michaud Black Smoke Female KITTEN FINALS Clarick's Tater Tot BEST AB - B. Sumner 2nd Best AB - L. Jensen BEST AB - P. DelaBar Loganderry Budababy of HIlltop Park 4nd Best AB - B. Sumner 4nd Best AB - K. Everett-Hirsch Raya's Wicked Nessa Rose East 6th Best AB - J. Janzen 5th Best AB - G. Hoover Koro's Ghirardelli Crème Brulee 3rd Best AB - J. Cummings Raya's Gold Digger of Glamourex 6th Best AB - L. Jensen Glamourex Caution Emits Sparks 7th Best  AB - J. Cummings Bacio's Pierre 7th Best AB - B. Pearson EXHIBITORS' CHOICE Clarick's Tater Tot Breeder/Owner: Celestia Wright Brown Patch Mctabby and White Female HOUSEHOLD PETS Au Natural Breeder/Owner: Tina Chittick Natural Mink F4 straight coat Male HHP FINALS (10 HHP present) 8th Best HHP - B. Sumner Best HHP - K. Everett-Hirsch 7th Best HHP - B. Pearson 7th Best HHP - J. Janzen 7th Best HHP - L. Jensen 5th Best HHP - J. Cummings 3rd Best HHP - P. DelaBar
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2008 Program