October 14-15, 2006Parma, OHHost Club: Cleveland Persian SocietyTheme: “Pumpkin Patch Pixies”DEVON HEAVEN COMMITTEE:Chairman: Bob KinseyAward Certificates: Melody AmundsonBanquet Reservatons: Ann GibneyGoody Bags: Carole GoodwinPhotographers: Anne and Tom FrankProgram: Melody AmundsonProgram Photo: Ayla AndersonRosettes: Linda Peterson, Shelly YergensonTable Decorations: Sandy Kinsey
DEVON ENTRIES:Represents Devons entered not Devons present.
CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSBEST DEVON REX GC Kirleekat's Macy the Magnificent! Breeder: Erika Paylor Owner: Brenda Moore-Renee Olsen Blue Silver Patched Mackerel Tabby Female2nd BEST DEVON REX GC Karmakatz Razzle Dazzle Me! Breeder/Owner: Linda Peterson-Denis DowneyCameo Mackerel Tabby and White Female 3rd BEST DEVON REX Scattergold Salem Breeder/Owner: Ann Gibney BEST DEVON REX CHAMPION CH Clarick's Dust Bunny Breeder/Owner: Celestia WrightCHAMPIONSHIP FINALSGC Kirleekat's Macy the Magnificent! 3rd Best AB - N. Auspitz9th Best AB - G. Darrah2nd Best AB - C. GradowskiGC Karmakatz Razzle Dazzle Me! 6th Best SH - B. Bryan2nd Best SH - N. Fischer
PREMIERSHIP CLASSBEST DEVON REX IN PREMIERSHIP PR Kirleekat's Druid's Chant Breeder/Owner: Erika-Richard Paylor 2nd BEST DEVON REX IN PREMIERSHIP PR Clarick's Dreams in the Mist Breeder/Owner: Celestia Wright 3rd BEST DEVON REX IN PREMIERSHIP Keniakat's Little Town Flirt Breeder/Owner: Bob-Sandy KinseyPREMIERSHIP FINALSN/A at this time
KITTEN CLASSBEST DEVON REX KITTEN Karmakatz Fayette of Calla Breeder: Peterson-Catoggio-Downey Owner: Terri CallahanLavander Silver Patched Mackerel Tabby and White Female 2nd BEST DEVON REX KITTEN Meikai's Aurora Star Breeder/Owner: Doug Schmidt Brown Patched Tabby Female3rd BEST DEVON REX KITTEN Chemikatz Party's On! of Karmakatz Breeder: Jan-Cole Davis Owner: Davis-Peterson-DowneyKITTEN FINALSKarmakatz Fayette of Calla10th Best AB - G. Darrah6th Best AB - C. Gradowski8th Best SH - B. BryanMeikai's Aurora Star10th Best AB - R. Anger14th Best AB - G. Darrah10th Best SH - B. BryanClarick's Summer Breeze 8th Best AB - N. AuspitzFace Huggers lambsie D'Ivy 6th Best SH - N. Fischer
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Chamicats Girls Night Out13th Best AB - J. Colilla