August 16-17, 2003Pomona, CAHost Club: Los Colores Cat ClubTheme: “Making Waves At The Country Faire”DEVON HEAVEN COMMITTEE:Chairman: Carole GoodwinAuction: Terri Jorgensen, Anita HenriksonAward Certificates: Melody AmundsonBanquet: Nancy MeggelinBanquet Table Decorations: Deb StevensonBreed Booth: Terri JorgensenGoody Bags: Debbie Van PattenPhotographers: Anne and Tom FrankProgram: Melody AmundsonRaffle: Bob KinseyRexception: Nancy MeggelinRing Art: Melody Amundson, Luana du ToitRosettes: Anita Henrikson, Carole GoodwinScoring: Carole Goodwin and volunteersShow Hall Raffle: Bob and Sandy Kinsey
DEVON ENTRIES:Represents Devons entered not Devons present.
CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSBEST DEVON REX GC Scattergold Lillywhites Breeder/Owner: Ann Gibney Gold Eyed White 2nd BEST DEVON REX GC Castilleja Lady Jane Grey Breeder/Owner: Donna Peck Blue Mactabby 3rd BEST DEVON REX CH Dilettante Peach Pie Breeder/Owner: Wendy Renner Red Mactabby BEST DEVON REX CHAMPION CH Dilettante Peach Pie Breeder/Owner: Wendy Renner Red MactabbyCHAMPIONSHIP FINALSGC Scattergold Lillywhites 5th Best AB - K. Angell7th Best AB - K. Everett5th Best SH - L. Faltiesek10th Best SH - B. MoserGC Castilleja Lady Jane Grey 8th Best AB - P. DelaBar9th Best SH - L. FaltiesekEXHIBITORS' CHOICE-GC Scattergold Lillywhites Breeder/Owner: Ann Gibney Gold Eyed White
PREMIERSHIP CLASSBEST DEVON REX IN PREMIERSHIP PR Katazmaraz Forget Me Not Breeder/Owner: Tammy Mongelli-Michelle Berge Chocolate Mactabby 2nd BEST DEVON REX IN PREMIERSHIPPR Pattnchat You The Bomb! Breeder/Owner: Debbie-Eric Van Patten BlackBEST DEVON REX PREMIERPR Katazmaraz Forget Me Not Breeder/Owner: Tammy Mongelli-Michelle Berge Chocolate MactabbyPREMEIRSHIP FINALSN/A at this timeEXHIBITORS' CHOICE-PR Katazmaraz Forget Me Not Breeder/Owner: Tammy Mongelli-Michelle Berge Chocolate Mactabby
KITTEN CLASSBEST DEVON REX KITTEN Permarex Atomic Tangerine Breeder/Owner: Anita Henrikson Red Mactabby 2nd BEST DEVON REX KITTEN Pattnchat Moon Dance on Babylon Breeder/Owner: Debbie-Eric Van Patten Red Mactabby 3rd BEST DEVON REX KITTEN Pattnchat Sweetums of Sorocoon Breeder: Debbie-Eric Van Patten Owner: Greg-Leigh Sorokin Tortoiseshell and WhiteKITTEN FINALSPermarex Atomic Tangerine 14th Best AB - L. Adkison14th Best AB - K. Angell7th Best AB - P. DelaBar13th Best SH - L. FaltiesekPattnchat Moon Dance on Babylon 8th Best AB - L. Adkison6th Best AB - K. Angell15th Best SH - B. MoserPattnchat Sweetums of Sorocoon 8th Best AB - B. LeePermarex Fire Opal of Astralcat10th Best AB - K. EverettTonjankev's Marcie of Ailurus-Rex8th Best SH - L. FaltiesekPattnchat Beddy Bed Bug11th Best SH - B. MoserEXHIBITORS' CHOICE-Permarex Fire Opal of Astralcat
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COSTUME CONTESTFirst Place: "The Big Kahuna"Permarex Atomic TangerineBreeder/Owner: Anita HenriksonSecond Place: "Devon Rex Cowboy"PR Pattnchat You The Bomb!Breeder/Owner: Debbie & Eric Van PattenThird Place : "Queen of the Fair"Pattnchat Sweetums of SorocoonBreeder: Debbie & Eric Van PattenOwner: Greg & Leigh SorokinHonorable Mention"Minnie Pearl"Permarex Fire OpalBreeder: Anita HenriksonOwner: Terri Jorgensen