CFA Devon Rex Breed Council
Photographs are copyrighted by the individual photographers
Copyright © 2016 Devon Rex Breed Club
The CFA Breed Councils were established in 1970 to serve as an advisory body on breed standards to the CFA Executive Board. Each of the breeds recognized by CFA for championship competition has its own Breed Council and Breed Council Secretary. The CFA Devon Rex Breed Council is comprised of individuals experienced in the breed and who meet other eligibility requirements established by the CFA Executive Board. The Devon Rex Breed Council channels opinions and suggestions from the individual breeder to the Board through the breed council secretary, and the breed standard is updated as the breed progresses. From time to time, each breed council also updates its breed profile, a more informal introduction to the breed. Eligibility Requirements Have a CFA registered cattery name Are at least 18 years of age or older Have bred and registered with CFA at least three litters of Devon Rex. A judge or an officer of another cat registering association is not eligible In addition to the above requirements, membership is limited to individuals who have met either of the following qualifications: Bred at least one Devon Rex CFA Grand Champion or Grand Premier. OR Registered one litter of Devon Rex within the previous two calendar years and, have exhibited a Devon Rex cat/kitten at a CFA show within the previous two calendar years. Membership Individuals who meet the breed council eligiblity requirements may join the Devon Rex Breed Council by submitting a completed membership application to CFA Central Office along with the appropriate fee. Membership runs from May 1st to April 30th. Upon receipt of the membership application and fee, the Central Office will place the member's name on the mailing list and, when available, the Show Rules and Show Standards will be sent to each member. Membership applications for any given year will not be accepted until May 1st, or after August 1st of that year.   Fees The current application fee is $25.00. The annual registration fee (May 1st to August 1st) is set by the CFA Executive Board to help defray expenses for the operation of the Breed Council. Application Form The Breed Council membership application can be found online in a PDF format. In order to use this form you will need to download a free copy of Acrobat Reader, which is available for use with all major computer platforms. The form is an interactive one, so you can type your information directly on the form and print it as a completed copy to send in to CFA Central Office. The address is at the bottom of the form. Procedure for Submission of Proposals Members forward suggestions and opinions to the elected secretary of the Devon Rex breed council. The breed council secretary will evaluate these proposals and obtain the opinions of other members of the Devon Rex Breed Council. The weight of these opinions will form the basis for an annual poll taken prior to the CFA Executive Board meeting in February when breed standard revisions are considered.
Devon Rex Breed Council Secretary Linda Peterson is the current Devon Rex Breed Council Secretary.  To contact Linda send an email to Current Breed Council Members Scroll down to and click on "Devon Rex"
Devon Rex Breed Council Secretaries throughout its history On October 19, 1980, the CFA Board of Directors approved advancement of Devon Rex to Provisional status which became effective May 1, 1981. Marion White was appointed by CFA as the secretary of the Provisional Breed Committee which also included Becky Curneen and Ann Gibney. On February 19, 1983, the CFA board unanioumously granted the Devon Rex Championship status. Marion White, 1980-1984 Ann Gibney, 1984-1992 Adele Gay, 1992-1994 Ann Gibney, 1994-1998 Shally Carlson-Trautwein, 1998-2000 Chuck Lawson, 2000-2002 Gary Amundson, 2002-2008 Linda Peterson 2008-present
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