Photographs are copyrighted by the individual photographers
Copyright © 2014 Devon Rex Breed Club
CFA New Bee
This CFA program provides information and orientation for new CFA exhibitors. The web site is new but already
has a good deal of important information and hopes to cover a variety of topics - from how to enter a show, how
to get both you and your cat ready for the show, special travel considerations, and how to make the show a great
experience for you and your cat.
Showing cats isn't just a hobby - it's a mindset and (often) a way of life. Having a positive show experience
doesn't just happen; it takes thought, planning, and a lot of
consideration. Maintaining a balanced and positve outlook and
doing your homework will go a long way in keeping the showhall a
fun place to be.
Click here for more information
CFA Mentor Program
The CFA Mentor Program has been established as one of
mentoring as opposed to coaching. There is a distinctive
difference in the relationship that one develops when
people work together as mentor and protégé, as
opposed to the relationship between a coach and
his or her protégé.
The program's primary functions include the recruitment of new people into the CFA family; retention of
participants; achievement of some degree of competency related to the exhibiting and breeding of pedigreed
cats; and, the encouragement of personal growth. The overall primary objectives of the program are to attract
new breeders and exhibitors and retain them in the hobby of breeding and exhibiting pedigreed cats; to establish
a program that provides education, guidance, assistance and nurturing to new breeders and exhibitors; and, to
put forward the notion that CFA is a friendly association with friendly people ready to assist the novice or
Click here for more information
CFA Ambassador Program
The CFA Ambassador Program helps exhibitors give a public face to the cat fancy and offers knowledge transfer
from those of you who know to the interested public. Ambassadors wear buttons that say "Questions? Ask Me."
The buttons are to provide the public with a contact person. If the Ambassador doesn't have the answer, he/she
will get it.
The Ambassador's Handbook is a wonderful tool for talking about CFA and their
positions on many cat related subjects. If you're exhibiting at a show and want to
help the public learn about CFA and the pedigreed cat, understand how the rings
work and what the cat show is about, etc., you may enroll in the CFA Ambassador
Program to help. You will receive an identity button, a cage topper and a handbook
so you can become totally familiar with answers to the most frequently asked
questions at a cat show. This program is funded by The Hartz Mountain
Corporation. The CFA Ambassador Program is a first-rate resource for those who
are interested in helping people understand CFA.
Click here for more information
CFA Breeder Assistance and
Breeder Rescue Program
The Breeder Assistance Program was
developed because of a need that CFA
saw between Animal Welfare and
Purebred Rescue. Breeder Assistance
is a place for breeders to seek help in
situations out of their control. BAP
provides help with advice, physical help
and placement. The Breed Rescue
Program helps purebred cats at risk in shelters across the country. This program, in cooperation with the CFA
Breed Councils, are building a coalition of breed specific rescue groups, as well as locally operated rescue
organizations. These programs are now under the Umbrella of CFA Animal Welfare and includes the Food Pantry
which operates with the generous assistance of Royal Canin.
Click here for more information