Photographs are copyrighted by the individual photographers
Copyright © 2018 Devon Rex Breed Club
The DRBC Breeders Assistance Program was established to provide advice, guidance, and emotional
support to Devon Rex breeders who find themselves in need of help due to overwhelming situations
beyond their control. This assistance will be provided in confidence and with compassion to the individuals
involved and with the wellbeing of their cats foremost. Financial assistance may also be available based on
the need and urgency of the need.
Requests for financial assistance may be for, but not limited to, the
following reasons:
Catastrophic acts of nature
Loss of home
Severe illness
temporary or permanent disability
Death without provision for the Devon Rex in the home
If you are in need of assistance, please contact any member of the DRBC BOD to discuss your situation.
All contact is confidential!
CFA Breeders Assistance Program